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Platform Scales Read Time: 4 Mins
Should I Avoid a Cheap Floor Scale?

What is it that separates more expensive floor scales cheap ones?

The Actual High Price of Low-Quality Floor Scales

You should always look at price vs. quality when buying a new floor scale. Learn how purchasing a low-cost scale can have a high cost in the long run.

It may be tempting to save a few dollars with an inexpensive floor scale. After all, the capacity and size may appear to be the same as the more expensive, high-quality brand and the picture may look similar. So, what is it that really separates the more expensive floor scale and typically makes it better than less expensive ones? Let's take a look!

Product Price vs. Quality

To start, you must determine if your floor scale needs to be legal for trade. Typically, less expensive floor scales are not certified as legal for trade. However, a general rule of thumb is that if money changes hands based on the product's weight, you will need a floor scale certified as legal for trade.

Next, compare the electronic components that make up the scale

  1. Load Cells - What load cells are used?  Some lower-quality floor scales aren't designed to allow the replacement of individual load cells. If one goes bad, all four need to be replaced. Many manufacturers also use load cells that have a limited shelf life. It is essential to use quality components to ensure longevity out of your floor scale.
  2. Junction Box - Is there a junction box? The junction box allows the user to adjust load cell output so the scale reads correctly regardless of where the load is placed on the scale. If a load cell needs to be replaced, the junction box allows you to remove the bad cell, replace it, and wire it back into the scale without having to unwire and re-solder all the cells. This convenience alone may be worth paying a premium. In order to offer a lower price, many manufacturers skip the junction box and tie the wires together. It might lower the sale price, but you'll end up paying for it in repairs down the road.
  3. Cabling - How durable is the cabling? The best floor scales are made for the most demanding industrial environments. The cabling should be durable and able to withstand some abuse. If the cable looks like an extension cord in your kitchen, it probably won't last very long.
  4. Steel Weighbridge - - The build of the scale itself is equally important. Pay attention to the shipping weight of the scale. A heavier scale typically means a better build with higher-quality steel. A thicker deck plate and substructure are vital to giving the load cells the structure they need to perform correctly. If the floor scale is flexing and bending, the scale will not last, and it will cause inconsistent weights. The thin, short welds that appear on many mass-produced scales indicate a lower quality of production. These welds will eventually break over time and cause inconsistent weights if the problem is not identified and repaired.
standard scale
Standard Scale
robust scale
Robust Scale

Is it Complete? 

The last, and possibly most important item to consider, is the indicator that comes with the floor scale (or doesn't). Is an indicator included in the price? If it is, there are a few questions to ask:
  1. Is it calibrated to the scale base? 
  2. Do you need a certificate of calibration with certified weights for your ISO program? 
  3. Do you need a full numeric keypad to enter a tare weight? 
  4. Do you want to tie your scale into a computer or printer?

These are all common issues people encounter when purchasing a low-cost floor scale online. Problems like these often lead to spending significantly more money with a local service company to get a scale to the functionality they never knew they needed. All of these items would be handled appropriately up-front when speaking with a salesperson or scale company specializing in these applications. Unfortunately, they are often entirely missed when looking to purchase a scale online.

Do the Math on a (non- repeating) Cheap Floor Scale 

Low-cost floor scales are not just more likely to break; they can be expensive to operate. How? Well, we did the math for you. Suppose you sell a product worth $2 per pound and average five weighments per hour. Based on an 8- hour shift and 261 work days per year, if your scale is just -2 lbs off from calibration, you could lose over $41,000 each year on that one scale!

(40 weighments per day x 261 days) x 2 lbs. x ($2.00/lb.) = $41,760.00

That equates to $41,760.00 of lost revenue!! Look closely at last year's metrics and consider cost sustainability. Even if there's an initial high cost, choose quality. You can't afford the low price of a cheap floor scale!

A High-Quality Product Provides High Value

In your decision-making process, whether at a retailer or online shopping, it's tempting to sort your options into two categories: high price and low price. However, the higher price point of a new product can tell of the quality of the product in question. While retailers and e-commerce sites may have different pricing strategies, higher prices usually indicate better construction from high-quality raw materials.

As always, B-TEK would like you to make the most informed decision possible to help your business. That's why we are here to help you with any questions you may have to help guide your decision.

Steve Coddington
Steve Coddington
Northeast Regional Manager
Steve started in the scale industry as a service tech for 10 years before moving into sales. He's an alumnus of Bryant & Stratton with an electronic background. Read More

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