What Makes A Scale Fit For The Forestry and Logging Industries?

Tree processing is one of the most crucial elements to the continued economic success in North America. Despite significant impact due to the global pandemic and uncertainty in down-stream environments, wood processing is a unique industry, which will fuel millions of jobs for years to come. Perhaps now more than ever, margins on domestic wood are business critical. B-TEK is prepared to leverage a century of experience in weighing wood products ensuring your operation remains profitable.


  • Forestry Companies
  • Logging Companies
  • Logging Mills
  • Pulp and Paper Manufacturers
  • Timber Processing
  • Mulch Producers


  • Truckloads
  • Bulk Wood Products
  • Pulp Tankers
  • Pallets
  • Dye Tanks


  • Commercial Trade
  • Check Weighing
  • Automation
  • Production Control
  • Process Control
  • Inventory Control


AX200 Axle Scale

Features two platforms with two rigidly mounted load cells per platform with no moving suspension parts to wear or load feet to bend or break

Workhorse Floor Scale

Robust design, built for high-traffic industrial applications

D70ES Multi-Functional Analog Indicator

Inclusive of powerful functions such as Truck I/O, its the only indicator in its class that fits most needs on everything from bench to floor to truck scales.

SKYNET 2050 Self-Service Kiosk

The SKYNET 2050 Self-Service Kiosk empowers weighing operations through automation. Transition an existing scale to self-service by connecting to an existing NTEP-approved weight indicator in your scale house, or install a full solution by adding a mounted enclosure and indicator at the scale.

T405S Axle Weighing Kiosk Package

Complete axle weighing solution designed for fast, safe and efficient truck scale operations

Centurion Truck Scale


The Centurion is the only vehicle weighing system of its kind available, offering the latest digital technology in a unique, modular design. It's the most robust scale on the market, utilizing tread plates that are 20% thicker than all standard scales in its class. Its durable construction is designed for long life in tough environments. Providing 10 lb. graduations, the Centurion is the most accurate truck scale available.

We Pull Our Weight

We Pull Our Weight

Contact our sales representatives to see how B-TEK Scales can improve weighing in your wood production operation.
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